Starting off..the styles don'ts, my major one is this: don't use a hat as an alternative to hijab not because I think it's not hijab but because it just don't look nice girlies! If you wana wear a hat wear a woolly hat and scarf in the winter, it looks cute :) But this, well, you make up your mind..I don't wana be mean because she's smiling so sweetly at me.

This is the best so far but I think that's just because of the angle of the pic really..

OMG, this Iranian actress Elnaz Shakerdoust is sooo glam I love her hijab and hat..
So generally, I still don't like the idea even though I like seeing them on people so if it looks good on them that's great and if it looks bad, well.. its not my fault they were taking these dangerous fashion risks :P

I think it can look good when done right, love the last pic.
i dont think i could pull it off as an everyday look- but i love th pic with the black hat and the polka dot scarf underneath...and im def gonna buy a hat and try it out...
yes and no. some look ok while others look down right stupid.
i would shove it for sure.
and i know what you mean about the hat but no hijab thing. i know this girl who gets a large beret type of hat, stuffs her hair in and wears that instead of hijab sometimes.. its ridiculous.
I'm lovin' the idea of it. I just have never been able to pull it off that well, except for once. The hat was white and wider-brimmed than your last model and I went to an extremely elegant fund-raising luncheon in New York at the Hilton. Many of the ladies were wearing hats. So, I didn't stand out as much as I would have if I had gone with my hijab alone. The hat over my white lace hijab flowed with elegant crowd. But, otherwise, for everyday, I have only been able to wear a Rasta hat over my hijab in the winter months and feel comfortable, sporty and fabulously Hijabi.
Hijabi Couture, CEO
Hee, hee.. I just adore the classy hat and scarf/hijabi look. Audrey Hepburn pulled on turbans and scarf/hat combos which it excelled in class like the Iranian Actress.
The weird upturned hat is a unsettling. Although I'd wear something similar if I lived in a hijab ban zone (Grr France, TUrkey and Tunisia I'm wagging my finger.. even at your history)
That would be so awful.. can you imagine the hijab ban? I shudder. We's rock hija-hats like no tomorrow.
Sigh* makes me sad to think of it.
I'll just go back to thinking of cute winter and classy hat/hijab combos.
wow, kate moss really looked as if she's wearing a hijab... tee hee~ ;p
I like the hijab with hat look, but that's because I lived in Chicago for six years, and during the winter, you get to see this plenty!
Also, I just recently bought myself a nice sun hat to wear with hijab (I live in Florida now, and the sun is INTENSE).
My vote: LOVE IT!
I resent the fact that you said, " normal people" to refer to those who don't wear hijab. Are you trying to imply that hijabis/Muslimahs are not normal, but are in fact weird/strange? Be careful with your words
I mean normal people as in not models. But who wants to be 'normal' anyway? Be careful with your reading
I think it can be done :) I am starting to wear the hijab and I am a massive collector of hats. I don't think the hijab will limit the possibilities. If it is worn and put together nicely, it is sure to be beatiful~ :)I believe so...
You're only 16?!
Anon: If I was 6 in 1996 how does that make me 16 in 2012? I'm 21 lol.
Great post! I have to say it does work, but it depends on how you wear your hijab and the type of hat. Personally I love wearing hats with hijab. I've made a hijab tutorial for hats on my YouTube channel- alz786uk
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