1/ None..

Love the pic lol.
2/ Natural makeup - foundation where it's needed, small amount of eyeliner..

3/ Same as two but with lip gloss..

4/ Same as 3 but with mascara..

5/ Same as 4 but with smokey eyes and blusher..

6/ Unlimited..

Personally, I think for a normal day 2 or 3 is fine. I don't wear mascara anymore simply because it shortens your eyelashes and if you just let them grow there would be no need for it if you have dark hair anyway. What do think?
i agree that 2 and 3 are fine. i wear foundation and mascara... sometimes eyeliner. i think eyeshadow, etc. is just way too much! we have to be careful with makeup and make sure our intentions are halal.
PS the last pic is pretty yet STILL reminds me of a mixture of frida khala (sp?) and the christian portrayl of isa, LOL. is that awful of me to think!?!
i usually wear only little bit of foundation where needed (in winter i don´t use it at all cos my skin gets so dry) and some mascara and lipbalm. somedays i wear also some brown kohl inside the eyelid up, never down. that is all i need to look natural and fresh. :)it´s also easy to wash away.
and i agree about that the last pic looks little bit like frida khalo :P
omg that last one is freakyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....
the girl with the gun always makes me laugh. she is soooo serious!
i looove loove looove the first pic. I love that girl's abaya! Very beautiful and unique!
It depends on my mood usually what i apply. Some days I use only kohl and lip balm, some days foundation. eyeliner, lip balm and some days with a lil bit of natural blush and eyeshadow. I think whtever u choose to apply make sure its REALLY natural, basic and elegant looking. Oh and i dont use mascaras.
I am a makeup fiend lol. I usually have tinted moisturizer, bronzer and eyemakeup of some sort on 60% of the time. I usually do not wear anything on my lips other than balm nowadays (must be able to kiss my baby lol).
Lol sis your too funny, love your sense of humour ---- I think the natural one is the best one, though I myself wear no foundation but juz eyeliner and lip balm:)
Haha the last pic looks kinda creepy I mean what on earth is that thing on her head??? I mean its probably for a fashion magazine but seriously she looks wrong ---so wrong!!!
I think the key to halal not haraam make-up is the colour and how many make-up items one uses. I use eyeshadow and blusher but no eyeliner and no foundation. I wear lipstick and blusher and then no eye shadow or liner. I wear eyeliner and gloss and no eye shadow and lipstick. This keeps it form becoming too done. It is not the items, but how one utilizes them.
thanks for posting this because I've kind of been wondering that myself. I think 5 is the farthest that anyone should go becuase 6 is like overkill. I personally wear the bareminerals kit and some mascara on a regular day. 2-4 are the best I think. I love the pic on 2, shes so naturally beautiful mashaAllah.
I wear eyeliner, gloss, and concealer on a daily basis. Some days I will wear foundation, eyeshadow, and mascara ( I looove mascara!) but I make sure it's very natural looking.
salam 4 for me but vasline instead of gloss....
I didn't know that mascara could shorten the lashes! OMG! thought it was the opposite! I'm disappointed because I like mascara a lot x(
Usually, for a daylight look, I wear only mascara + baby pink lipgloss + blush (LIGHT colors please!)
and depending on the occasion I wear eyeliner on the upper part of the eyes only.
To go out at night I would go for style number 4
Thanks all for your imput! some intersting comments. grace- yehh i didnt know either but it can break the ends off the lashes if you wear it all the time :(
I use a tiny bit of creme blush to look alive,a swipe of mascara and lip balm/gloss, nothing too glossy.
As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
I personally when I go out with I go for #2. But when I am home with my dude/hubby I goor for #6. The first pick not the second. I agree with *~Ange~* that is quite freaky.
Salam, do eyelashes break if you wear mascara everyday, or if you wear it sometimes but the whole day long?
anon: eyelashes break when wear it all the time. just make sure you take it off as soon as you dont need it anymore but i think its ok to wear it sometimes.
thank you:)
I definitely need foundation as I have quite bad acne and I wear eyebrow shadow, mascara, a bit of eye shadow and lip gloss. I think I always look natural but because I have blondish brown hair with most hijabs I look really strange without a bit of colour. I have quite warm cheeks so I usually don't wear blush or bronzer and if I was going to do smokey eye it would be with greys or purples not black. I have green eyes so purple looks really nice but I don't do it over the top.
The second to last sis, is soo pretty!
I think it really depends on what the occassion is. For everyday makeup, 1 and 2 are fine, maybe 3/4/5 for special occasions like weddings, but NEVER go for unlimited...to be perfectly honest, if I saw a hijabi wearing THAT much makeup, I would instantly think "slut". Sorry, I apologise for the language!
PS.....the last one is a bit Frida Kahlo-ish isnt it?
I don't like makeup and don't wear it myself, but I don't think it's wrong to do so. That said, I don't find it makes people look better. It just looks like makeup! We are beautiful just the way we are :)
hm fair point megan, i was starting to wonder if anyone would say they dont wear any!
Me me! I don't wear any! Lol! (Sorry, I wasn't even going to comment till I saw your last comment xD)
And Celeritas, if you have acne then going WITHOUT makeup sometimes actually helps =o Trust me, I know- if I wear foundation for two days in a row it feels like my skin is suffocating.. which it is =\
Our skin is living & needs oxygen so staying natural some days is good- gives your skin a chance to breathe ^^ (Did you know that if you covered your body from head to toe with less than a square inch of skin showing, you'd actually die because of skin suffocation! =o)
Even if you wear makeup then take it off, I'm sure you can agree that some moisturisers/makeup removers etc still might feel a little oily/greasy
The other point is if you don't wear makeup then, on the odd occassion when you DO (for me that's weddings etc) people are amazed! =D
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