Wow, that went by quickly..
My most favourite thing this month has got to be my new LV Speedy 30 in the monogram print, which I've named Mimi. Totally in love :D May do a review on in at some point. But the general gist is I bloody love it and if you want one, get it before the prices are hiked. Also, I recently discovered a Louis Vuitton DUTY FREE in Heathrow Terminal 5 - the only one in the world. If you're going out of the EU you get 17% off. Seriously, what more could you ask for in a duty free..?

Not really much else this month to be honest. I'm currently in Dubai so I guess that's also a favourite! For photos of that you can check out my Instagram.
Hope you're all well xo xo
This such a cute bag!
Check out my current giveaway on my blog
Goodness! I had no idea LV actually had a duty free store in T5!! Ages since I have flown through there. Must keep that in mind for next flight!
I have the Speedy 30, got it about 7 years ago when it was considerably less. I love LV and have quite a collection now. Just recently got a lovely new one in Dubai in Mall of the Emirates...
KhaleejiKat: Yay! Congrats on your new buy :D xoxo
"A new company called Veil is bringing the modern technology of sportswear fabrics to one of the most traditional garments in the world: the hijab. Broadening the choices for Muslim women—whose head wraps are oftentimes made from fabrics like jersey cotton or voile—the company is working with advanced properties of technical fabrics. Now available on Kickstarter, Veil offers waterproof, sweat-wicking, laser-cut hijabs that keep the body cool even during the hottest summer months—all for the pre-order price of $17."
Hey that's so awesome I want one! Thanks for the link dude. How've you been?
Alhamdulillah. I'm just trying to figure out what to do with my life.
What about you? How's work? How's life?
I know how you feel, honestly thought I'd know what I want to do with my life by this age but no.. Are you finishing uni soon? Work is OK alhamduliAllah, my contract finishes end of September so not sure what I'm going to do after that :/
I could've sworn I replied 3 days ago, but I guess it didnt go through.
I finished uni 6 months ago.
I'm glad to hear work is OK, AlhamduliAllah. Are u still doing 12 hour graveyeard shifts?
Hey congratulations! What are you doing now?
No dude I got a new job in March that's standard working hours.. Couldn't do night shifts again. Ramadan Mubarek!
Ramadan Mubarak!
I'm not doing anything now. My parents want me to get married and help out with the family business, but I don't really wanna do either.
How many hours are you guys fasting?
Family business I get but how come you don't want to get married? You're 28/29 now right? It's aboit 18 hours :( it's tough man, second day is the hardest.. So far.. 2 hours to go!
So many reasons I don't wanna get married; not enough money, don't feel like I'm ready, haven't met the right person, etc etc.
We're doing abt 16 hours here....I heard ppl in the Netherlands do like 20 hours 0_0 !
BTW, Wikileaks just released a ton of Saudi diplomatic cables. If there's anything interesting, should I share it with u?
LOL, I don't know why u were so hesitant to let ppl know.
I have some Iraqi Christian neighbors. We try to get along, but I dont think they like us very much.
I don't know, I guess I just like being anonymous.. Plus I must say it was fun keeping you guessing for so long xD
That's a shame about your neighbours, I know quite a few Iraqi Christians and they're all really friendly.
It was absolutely not fun!! LOL!!
Glad ur instagram isnt private anymore, I had no idea u liked to draw.
And we have chickens, too!!
Really?! Chickens are so cool, I didn't realise how feisty they can be though, we got a new one recently and the original 3 keep trying to fight her. The eggs are fanstatic though, no comparison with shop bought ones right?
Oh yeh I love drawing, recently got back into it :D
They're mean, they're stupid, and they're very rugged, lol.
Your chickens look like they're well-taken care of. I can't say the same for ours. I feel so bad bcuz they never get to roam around; My parents have them cooped up in a tiny shack all the time. Idiots.
Oh no that's really mean! You should do something man, they really need to be able to walk around. We cordoned off a bit of the garden and only put them in the coop to sleep so they're no bother really. Plus if you do that you'll get nice free range eggs - win win.
A problem is that my parents feel the need to feed a few stray cats, which don't get along with any birds. In'sha'Allah I'll think of something though.
Do ur parents ever visit Iraq?
Aw that's nice of them :) Not very often no.. I've only been once, when I was 11.
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