11 September 2010

Happy International Burn The.. Nevermind..

I don't know why but Pastor Terry Jones vividly reminds me of a clown.

The prophet Jesus/Isa (May Allah's [SWT] peace and blessings be upon him) said:

Be to the people like the earth below in meekness, like the flowing water in generosity and like the sun and the moon in mercy, which shine on the good and sinner alike."
(Oh and Eid Mubarek everyone :D :D :D - Love from Zaenab)


masmuni said...

hahaha I'm sorry, but I find this funny. I mean the picture of 'this guy' as a clown. Anyway, good thing he didn't do it though :)


Azurah Abd.Aziz said...

Happy eid mubarak zaenab...!

Fati said...

eid mubarak!!!

Ida Bakar said...

"I don't know why but Pastor Terry Jones vividly reminds me of a clown"

Because he is.

Maja said...

Why would anyone want to burn the Quran? I don't understand it. No good will come of it.

Respect and love, that's what we need more of.

Yukirat said...

I was rather surprised no one responded with a "Burn the Bible" campaign, but I guess it take a certain personality to stoop to such low tactics...