"Sorry.. I'm Busy"
I'm reaaally sorry to anybody who has emailed me recently with post requests and hasn't had a reply. I'm not being a stuck-up rude cow, I'm just really busy with university and stuff at the moment. I think I've already mentioned I have exams coming up after Xmas, so please excuse me of my rudeness lol. For what it's worth, I do read every email (apart from the ones that claim I have billions of pounds waiting for me in an African bank somewhere..) and try to answer them.
Zaenab :D
good luck on your exams.
mine start next week.
-indonesian prince
"....that claim I have billions of pounds waiting for me in an African bank somewhere..) "
wow, great.. is it true, uhktii??
Subhanallah! :D Good Luck for your Exam, yeah.. InsyaAllah tanjahu...
Indonesian Prince: Thanks, Insha'Allah you'll do good too!
Yoe: Shukran habibti! Noo, it's not true lol, I wouldn't need to sit any bloody exams if it was :/ Shame shame..
what is your major?
-indonesian prince
If by major you mean what I'm studying, I'm doing pharmacy lol.
i am doing global economics.
im surprised more people dont get into pharmaceuticals. a lot of money in that sector.
-indonesian prince
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