But seriously, Hosni mate, please.. just eff off man!!! Nobody likes you, nobody wants you. Nobody apart from Israel, that is. Israel. In case you didn't know, if it meant they were protecting "their" spit of land, they would betray you, murder you and never look back. In fact, I bet they are regretting not topping you a few months back in order for your sprog (who is, incidentally, a British citizen) to make a swift transition into your chair and continue to lick their ass and do whatever they command.
What I honestly don't get about the guy is that he has a foot in the grave and yet he is a cool as a cucumber to rule like an oppressive, power-hungry tyrant. Is he not a little apprehensive that he might get, you know, punished..? I mean, you'd think he should be able to relate to Pharoh better than most, right? It seems the only thing he is apprehensive about is the Muslim Brotherhood party coming into power. I would just like to say at this point that although I find some of the rules in both Arabia and Iran to be disagreeable, I would be overjoyed if the Muslim Brotherhood party were to be elected. Supporting Palastine can only be a good thing.
Anyway, that's my rant over. Make duas for the protesters, that it all ends well for them!
I'm an Egyptian living in Finland, but I really won't be happy if the Muslim Brotherhood is elected. I wouldn't be happy at all. I wish to have a democracy in Egypt, and ElBaradei seems like a good candidate for that. But I do wan't Mubarak to leave, enough is enough. I mean 30 years, cmon...
He appears to be nothing more than another American puppet. Perhaps being Egyptian you will know more about this than me, but I think that if the Brotherhood are elected fair and square, that's better than any random guy chosen by the US and Israel. They're fighting for a democracy, not just for that withered old man to get the hell out only to be replaced by a pre-chosen leader.
I agree with EVERYTHING YOU SAY! he is such a twat
The majority in Egypt don't support the Muslim brotherhood.
But Mubarak should go. It is getting worse and worse out there.
What's the deal with the Brotherhood? The media calls them and Islamist group. That means squat to me lol. Hate that word... Islamist. Crikey.
UmmUmar - Tell me about it!! It hacks the hell out of me how everything these days that is remotely to do with Islam has to be some sort of extremist group. Though, of course, Hosni and co. are not extremists. Hiring people to beat up the protestors and deliberately running over them with vans is not extreme or terrorising at all.
:) xxx
Asalaamu aleikum- I agree that Mubarak must go, and my dua'as are with the Egyptian people- but come on sisters, can't we talk about things as muslimas in a more dignified and appropriate way? We don't need to be vulgar and talk like the kuffar- where's your adhab?
Halima - What was it that offended you..?
On the second paragraph:
If it makes a difference, quite a few women in Israel will wear kuffiyah (sorry, I'm not sure on the spelling) as scarves in support of Palestine. It must also be remembered that many Israelis were born in Israel-- thus making the whole situation much more complicated. (Eg., do you kick out the people who have lived in Israel their whole lives? Where would they go? What about the Palestinians, who were themselves kicked out of their homeland? Etc.)
I've decided that I support the Palestinians and the Israelis. I will stand up for either side.
Good day. :)
Well, it was partly that you told Mubarak to "eff off", as you put it- and we all now what that is short-hand for. And you used the phrase "lick *ss" as well. Astaghfirallah.I just think that that kind of thing is not so nice to read on a site for muslimas. And it's unnecessary- there are plenty of other ways to express yourself, right? Also- not your fault, granted- but someone above left a comment that Mubarak is a slang term for a part of the female anatomy! Hmmmm...
Halima - I'm sorry you feel that way but the guy deserves it :)
Elilura - I totally get your point and yes, I know that there are some Israelis that support Palastine but they are a minority. In a perfect world I think it would be nice if they could live together but the damage has been done. I just cannot support Israel after what they have done and how Palastine has suffered at their hands. Yes, they are my brothers in humanity but the Palastinians are my brothers in Islam.
I'm so glad you posted stuff about Egypt now and am glad to hear your thoughts (Mubarak does deserve some profanity for the poverty and oppression he gave to his people) but Israel is going to be a real conundrum. If the young born-and-raised Israelis are kicked out, then what is to prevent them from becoming just like the Palestinians today? (minus perhaps the refugee camps, but with the same anger and sense of deplacement). Absolutely, some price has to be paid for all the awful and unforgivable things they did to the Palestinians, but what then the solution? A Palestine in which peaceful Jews can stay and become citizens? Or a two-state?
Sister, it's not the point whether Mubarak "deserves" your comments or not- he's not reading this! Allah SWT "deserves" for us to speak and behave as proper muslimas- remember, all that we say is being recorded and will be read out on the Yaum al Qiyama. Mubarak will have to face it too- so let's at least take care of ourselves as muslimas!
By the way, I'm sorry to say, but I won't be following your blog anymore, as it seems to be for those who follow their nafs more than their LOrd. May Allah SWT grant you and all the other sisters hikmah- Asalaamu aleikum Halima
Halima - you dont know the person who left that was a fellow Muslim and if you think your sister has done something wrong a private message would've sufficed? Should'nt make it public, even though your points are valid...just saying! May Allah forgive us all inshallah!
Halima - Sorry to hear you won't be following my blog anymore :(
Anon - :o)
Yukirat - I really don't know what could happen with Israel. But I think it's long odds that they will ever live together peacefully :/ Unfortunately. On a lighter note, I can't help but thinking of Saudi accents everytime I talk to you looool :D I cracks me up!
Yes, bring on the Sa-priiiite (Sprite)! Still brings a smile. As for non-followers (?) don't worry, you gain some, you lose some. Fashion blogs are a dime a dozen -- yours have the Muslims around the world, and colourful opinion pieces that make it worthwhile reading.
Keep up your lovely work!
Lool, oh I'm not bothered, trust me ;) .. Although I prefer to call them de-followers.. I have had a handful so far declare to me that their following status of SM will be/has been withdrawn. It amuses me in a way. I dunno why. There's just something so buttoned-up and formal about such a speech that you can't really take it too seriously :/ Maybe that's just me.
Thanks btw :o) I glad somebody is not offended by my filthy language haha.
This is the same story in Malaysia during Mahathir ruling for 22 years... I guess people just get fed-up even though he has done a lot for the country, not that people are unappreciative, they just want change, that is why Americans choose Presiden Obama...hi hi ...
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