29 September 2008
A reminder to those who read the Holy Quran in English translation
26 September 2008
Hijab and Earrings: Love it or Shove it?

I found an easier way to wrap a multi wrap :D

25 September 2008
The Wonderful Fusion Of Hippy/Gypsy/Hijabi Style

Great wide leg trousers:
The second photo is so pretty and I think it could easily be 'hijabified'.
Multi wrap scarves are a perfect way to start off the look as well a long flowing skirts or bold print dresses and lots of big beads. Colourful outfits are key and of course you have to look like you haven't tried too hard!
I have put together a few outfits together according to this style. Here they are:
24 September 2008
The Sports Jilbab..
I know that the material is specially made for sports and I respect the fact that some women don't feel comfortable unless wearing the jilbab but practicality and safety in sports is important.
I think these sport suits I found on Primo Moda, an online hijab store, are a far more practical alternatives to the jibab while still maintaining an appropriate level of modesty:

If you do not like the idea of wearing these then you could join a ladies only gym which are avaliable in some places.
P.S. This is simply my opinion and I do not intend to offend anyone who wears the sports jilbab.
23 September 2008
A pretty hijab style
These photos aren't exactly the same but they are pretty similar in style:
That last one looks soo cool, I love the colour combination and even the top actually :D What do you think?
21 September 2008
Egyptian (shop window) style

Hope you liked them!
19 September 2008
Really nice hijab clothes site - 'Modern Muslimah'

Yes your seeing right - a full length pencil skirt! ^
I simply adore the last two smart outfits! It's pretty hard to find nice full length skirt suits so I think the designers have done a great job on these.
The only set back I can find is that the prices are a tiny bit steep and not all of the outfits are great but the site is really worth a visit: http://www.modernmuslimahs.co.uk/
Hijabi Sports Women

18 September 2008
The Orphan and 'Miskeen'

^An orphanage in Brazil^
I can never help but notice how many times the Holy Quran has mentioned the needy and poor (Al-Miskeen) and the orphan and the emphasis that Allah (SWT) has put on the treatment of these people. Here are some iyas as examples (although there are many more in the Quran):

[Al-Insaan: 8]
[An-Nisa': 10]
I want these words to be a reminder to you -
"..and repulse not the beggar.."
17 September 2008
A woolly alternative to the hijab this winter
16 September 2008
Easily 'Hijabifyable' dresses from 'buyaweddingdress'

Ok so some of the sleeves aren't full length and some are sheer, but you could sort this out with a top underneath. If the party you're attending is all female, you could simply wear a coat over the dress and discard this and the hijab when you arrive.
My Fave dress? The dark red one!! It's so beautiful.
The site also does a beautiful range of wedding dresses with hijab which I will do a post on in the future Insha'allah.