I saw this headscarf today while browsing hijab fashions on the net and was reminded of English singer, Amy Winehouse. Although she's had her matted locks cut short now that she's in rehab, the beehive will always be her signature look. But could it be a hijab look? I'm not sure, I think it looks quite cool and quirky but maybe not for the everyday hijabi:

She's an English singer. ;)
Yea and I'm gonna have to go with shove it. Unless that's your traditional dress or you're Erika Badu.
candice: lol oh is she? sorryy :D
Yeah its a cool african/cultural style but for hijab, might get in the way while praying.
with all respect it's looks like towel to after shower to me...
the beehive style is sooo unislamic haha.. seriously though..
african sisters wearing their headscarves like that is a different story however, but i feel like its a big attention drawrer compared to the traditional way of wearing hijab
hijab in itself is an attention drawer. i honestly think this look rocks on African sisters, an di think they're the only ones that can really pull it off and make it look glam.
Hijab is an attention-drawer if you live in the West, where people normally don't cover themselves, while in the East, you find non-Muslims covering their heads because of tradition.
It's a look I see a lot in Amsterdam on W.African hijabis. It it does occasionally crossover in slightly modified form to Turkish and Moroccan Muslims here too.
Looks really good done elegantly in a plain colour but not showily in a pattern. That's too much.
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